AI + Access to Justice Current Projects

Jurix ’24 AI for Access to Justice Workshop

Building on last year’s very successful academic workshop on AI & Access to Justice at Jurix ’23 in the Netherlands, this year we are pleased to announce a new workshop at Jurix ’24 in Czechia.

Margaret Hagan of the Stanford Legal Design Lab is co-leading an academic workshop at the legal technology conference Jurix, on AI for Access to Justice. Quinten Steenhuis from Suffolk LIT Lab and Hannes Westermann of Maastricht University Faculty of Law will co-lead the workshop.

We invite legal technologists, researchers, and practitioners to join us in Brno, Czechia on December 11th for a full-day, hybrid workshop on innovations in AI for helping close the access to justice gap: the majority of legal problems that go unsolved around the world because potential litigants lack the time, money, or ability to participate in court processes to solve their problems.

See our workshop homepage here for more details on participation.

More on the Workshop

The workshop will be a hybrid event. Workshop participants will be able to participate in-person or remotely via Zoom, although we hope for broad in-person participation. Depending on interest, a selection preference may be given for in-person participation.

The workshop will feature short paper presentations (likely 10 minutes), demos, and if possible, interactive exercises that invite attendees to participate in helping design and solve approaches to closing the access to justice gap with the help of AI.

Like last year, it will be a full-day workshop.

We invite contributors to submit:

  • short papers (5-10 pages), or
  • proposals for demos or interactive workshop exercises

We welcome works in progress, although depending on interest, we will give a preference to complete ideas that can be evaluated, shared and discussed.

The focus of submissions should be on AI tools, datasets, and approaches, whether large language models, traditional machine learning, or rules based systems, that solve the real world problems of unrepresented litigants or legal aid programs. Papers discussing the ethical implications, limits, and policy implications of AI in law are also welcome.

Other topics may include:

  • findings of research about how AI is affecting access to justice,
  • evaluation of AI models and tools intended to benefit access to justice,
  • outcomes of new interventions intended to deploy AI for access to justice,
  • proposals of future work to use AI or hold AI initiatives accountable,
  • principles & frameworks to guide work in this area, or
  • other topics related to AI & access to justice

Papers should follow the formatting instructions of CEUR-WS.

Submissions will be subject to peer review with an aim to possible publication as a workshop proceeding. Submissions will be evaluated on overall quality, technical depth, relevance, and the diversity of topics to ensure an engaging and high quality workshop.

Important dates

We invite all submissions to be made no later than November 11th, 2024.

We anticipate making decisions by November 22, 2024.

The workshop will be held on December 11, 2024.

Submit your proposals via EasyChair.

Authors are encouraged to submit an abstract even before making a final submission. You can revise your submission until the deadline of November 11th.

More about Jurix

The Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems (JURIX) is an organization of researchers in the field of Law and Computer Science in the Netherlands and Flanders. Since 1988, JURIX has held annual international conferences on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems.

This year, JURIX conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems will be hosted in Brno, Czechia. It will take place on December 11-13, 2024.

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