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Technology justice innovations
AI + Access to Justice Initiative
Explore projects, research, and data infrastructure that we are building in the AI & Access to Justice Initiative.
Come to our main Initiative page here to dive into this cutting-edge work on if and how AI can be used to improve access to justice.
Filing Fairness Project
When a person is sued for an eviction or debt, when they need to file a restraining order, or they need to figure out child support, they need to find, fill out, and file court forms.
The Filing Fairness Project is modernizing the court user’s form and efiling journey through an ambitious multi-jurisdiction cohort.
Legal Help Online Dashboard
Our team has built the Legal Help Online Dashboard website with extensive best-practices guides, assessments, and resources to build a best-in-class legal help website for people to find and use.
Visit the Dashboard to see comprehensive lists of legal help websites, their rankings, and guides to improving SEO, technical performance, design, and content.
Learned Hands labeling game
Learned Hands is an online game that develops a labeled dataset of people’s legal problem stories, to develop AI models to automatically spot legal needs & resources
With our partners at Suffolk Law School’s LIT Lab, we are taking thousands of posts from Reddit’s Legal Advice board, labeling them with our standard issue codes of legal needs, and then using this labeled dataset to develop machine learning models.
This is all on the game Learned Hands that we have built. These models can automatically read through people’s stories about their problems, and identify what legal issues are present.
This project is supported by Pew Charitable Trusts.
Wise Messenger for SMS reminders and hotlines
The Lab has created Wise Messenger, a platform to set up automated text messages from a court, or other legal organization to their users. We are studying whether procedural notifications by SMS improve people’s appearance rates at hearings, appointments, and other important legal events.
If your court or office would be interested in sending automated text reminders and procedural notifications, please let us know here, and we’ll be in contact.
LIST Taxonomy of legal issues
The Legal Design Lab has developed the LIST taxonomy of legal problems people experience.
LIST stands for Legal Issues Taxonomy.
LIST is a new, more user-centered, and machine-readable list of codes. It builds the off National Subject Matter Index, a comprehensive list of legal problems that people in the United States might have. This standard taxonomy is of use in our machine learning project Learned Hands. LIST provides standard issue codes to label people’s stories with. It can also be used by legal help websites, applications, and chatbots to have standard codes to label people’s problems with.
The LIST taxonomy is supported by Pew Charitable Trusts and Legal Services Corporation.
Explore LIST & use it in your projects here at
Schema Markup Generator
Get Legal Help info to better appear on Internet Search Results
When people search online for contact information, hours, and procedures for your organization — make sure that they find your website and the help information on it. By applying markup to the back-end of your website, search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others will better be able to recognize that your organization should be featured high on search results.
Our Lab has made a tool so that you can easily create this markup, and then paste it onto your website’s backend code.
Eviction-focused justice innovations
Eviction Prevention Innovation website
Since 2018, the Legal Design Lab has been conducting research & design on how to better prevent evictions.
We have launched several pilots, compiled best practices, and run national cohorts to spread new services, paperwork, tech, and policies that can help people facing housing crises.
Read about these projects & efforts at the Eviction Innovation website.
Legal Help FAQ website
In Spring 2020, we built a national Legal Help FAQ platform, with 50-state coverage, of renters’ rights and protections during the COVID-19 emergency.
Our team did extensive legal research and assembled a national network of housing law experts to be able to present, in plain language, if renters could be evicted, how much time they had to pay rent, and what new protections they might have in court. It also has a national database of local legal aid groups, court self-help sites, emergency rental programs, and other services that we could connect renters to in each state.
The Legal Help FAQ platform was built with the support of The Pew Charitable Trusts.
Eviction Help websites for local partners
Our Lab team has worked with local partners in Arizona and Ohio to build eviction legal help guides for their landlords & tenants.
The websites feature information, flowcharts, services, and court information to help people deal with their housing court issues.
See one of these sites for Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio.
Visuals & Document Justice innovation
Visual Guides to Legal Process
Give people a birds-eye view of what to do when appearing before a traffic court — and how to request relief from fines and fees.
The Legal Design Lab team created these open-source designs in our classes and now makes them widely available for replication and reuse. For example, we made these Traffic Court visuals in Design For Justice: Traffic Court, with our partners East Bay Community Law Center and NLADA. The visual designs for posters and handouts have been piloted in Alameda County, California. They were particularly created for courts that have recently introduced ‘Ability to Pay’ procedures.
If you would like to adapt these to your court or clinic, to help litigants understand their pleading options and how to request ‘Ability to Pay’ evaluation, please write to us. We will be happy to help you adapt these flowcharts and visuals to your context.
Court Summons Redesigns
We have run multiple design sprints to create new court documents for those facing evictions. We have new document designs that are being used by courts across the country.
For example, the Legal Design Lab has worked with a group of landlords, tenants, advocates, court officials, and other stakeholders in Hamilton County, Ohio to design a new court summons for eviction.
It is in use right now, to better inform people of their rights, services, and court appearance.
You can read more about our design choices and process at our article here.
Other projects to increase access to justice
Frontline Justice launch
A new initiative, Frontline Justice, has just been launched to build a new set of justice workers who can serve people…
TSA Feedback service design at Dulles Airport
More analogous learning from airports, this time from Dulles — and all their feedback prompts and props right around the security…
Service Help Centers in airports, based in JFK Delta airport terminal
I have been scouting out service design inspirations, particularly from airports, that courts could use. This one is from JFK airport,…
Before Small Claims Court prep app
A team from Justice Design at Osgoode Law’s Winkler Institute developed a prototype of an app that could prep people for…
Law Speak: language access app for small claims
Osgoode Law School’s Justice Design program created a prototype for Law Speak, a tool for people going through the small claims…
Legal Go augmented reality legal ed game
A team from the Winkler Institute’s Justice Design 2016 class created a game Legal Go, inspired by Pokemon Go, but for…
Trends in Courthouse Design : a profile of new space designs
The National Center for State Courts has a 2004 article from Don Hardenbergh, president of Courtworks, on Trends in Courthouse Design…
East Bay Stand Down: coordinated services for at-risk veterans
East Bay Stand Down is a project offered in California in which at-risk and homeless military veterans can access all kinds of… access AI
Legal Server has a project Houston.AI, a new set of tools that allows for smarter intake of people, finding of their…
Pro Bono matching websites
Florida Pro Bono Matters is a website that allows for matching volunteer lawyers with cases. It allows for legal aid groups…
Robot Lawyer expert chat bot
The Robot Lawyer is a chatbot made to let people get legal options and screening — and even fill in documents…
Online training for pro bono work
The Pro Bono Training Institute in LA offers online training modules to prep lawyer volunteers to do good work as they…
Hospital map app
An Ohio hospital has created an internal navigation system through a mapping app. It lets anyone find their doctor or destination…
Wayfinding signs with language access from hospitals
These were sent from a Kaiser Health facility in California as examples that a court could possibly follow.
DocuBot for filling in forms through SMS
DocuBot is a tool to fill in legal documents and other forms through an SMS or other chatbot-like experience. The bot…
Public feedback report displays in courts
I took a photograph of this display in London Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5. It is a very public display of the…
Redesigning Summons Forms to be clearer and more supportive
What should a paper-based warning or order look like, to make it actionable and clear for people? Ideas42 worked with the…
CAIR Chicago’s Travelers Assistance Program
CAIR Chicago has sponsored a new initiative to mobilize legal help and interpreters (as well as knowledge) for people at risk of…
Dulles Justice Coalition: rapid response pro bono network
Dulles Justice Coalition is a grassroots organization in the DC area, in which lawyers have come together to provide help to immigrants….
Know Your Rights App, Carteirada do Bem
One of my Brazilian students in my Prototyping Access to Justice class alerted me to a very cool app in Brazil,…
Legal Document Responder App
Could we build an application that would let a person, who receives a legal document or government document in the mail…
“Magic” cards: essential info on a business card
Can we boil down all of the most essential things to know for a legal issue onto a business card? We…
Grassroots Legal Advocates from Namati
Namati has a program called Grassroots Legal Advocates. It has paralegals trained in the basics of local law, as well as…
Project Homeless Connect in Colorado
Project Homeless Connect, run by the Colorado Lawyers Committee brings together coordinated services on a single day for homeless individuals. Legal volunteers…
Legal Nights in Colorado
The Colorado Lawyers Committee has assembled a list of community clinics that are around the state, to get legal resources to people….
Street Law for ‘Know Your Rights’ training from Univ. of Georgia
University of Georgia has a Street Law program. It holds sessions to train people, especially young people, on legal topics. Much…
Lawyer in Library program in Providence
The Providence Public Library hosts lawyers who will answer questions for free. It’s called “Lawyers in the Library.” No appointments are needed,…
Legal Clinics in High Schools, from Chicago Law & Education Foundation
The Chicago Law & Education Foundation has a high school law clinic that works on providing services, particularly around immigration law,…
Making the court Self Help Center more friendly and human
Could we remake the Self Help Center to be more colorful, friendly, and humanized? This could be with more art on…
Starter Kit packets for legal processes
At Self Help Centers, we observed that people got a lot of paper, but didn’t know exactly what to do with…
Big Maps of legal service providers, on the wall and in handouts
What is it? Have standardized maps of all the court’s floors and rooms, as well as adjacent buildings. These should use…
Numbering Line System for self help services
How can we make lines in courts less painful? One idea is to have a numbering system. People can take a…
Better Cover Sheets on Forms
We identified that Form Packets are a central ‘thing’ in the Court System. People come to court for help, and the…
Giant Visual Storyboards in legal buildings (and elsewhere)
Our proposal is for courts to make huge posters to display on the walls, that lay out the steps of a…
Signs that clarify relationship between Advocates and People
One of the needs we uncovered at the Self Help Centers in courts was to make it clear to people that…
Welcome to Court! colored, problem-oriented signs
What is it? Posters and other large-scale signage that can be placed physically throughout and around the court building, and on…
Strategy Prep for “tough conversations”
Public legal education groups, including the Justice Education Society, in British Columbia have created online guides to help a person have…
Neighborhood Legal Clinics in King County
King County provides a Neighborhood Legal Clinics program to give free, limited legal help to people in Washington State. There are specialty…
Free Legal Aid in Iowa Libraries
In Iowa, there are two programs that sponsor Free Legal Aid for low-income residents at libraries. The Iowa State Bar Public…
Customizable Process Map
What is it? Have a standardized paper map of the steps in a legal process laid out, with tasks, hand-offs,…
Court Resource Easel Board
What is it? It is a standing easel, about five feet high, with clips to attach a series of booklets….
Happy/Not Happy card
A model for feedback is the Happy/Not Happy card, a simple folded card that gives the user two sets of things…
Lawyer in the Library + Clinics
The San Mateo County Law Library has a Lawyer in the Library Program. Once a month, the Redwood City-based library has a live…
Story-examples to show human process
What if courts documented real-life stories of people who went through various processes, and how they did so. This could be…
BillFixers: advocates who negotiate for you
BillFixers is a service that lets you have someone else deal with your bills, to figure out how to negotiate them…
AirHelp: scan and claim for airline compensation
AirHelp scouts your flight details to see if you can make a claim for compensation. You can enter your flight details…
Tenants in Action: app to report housing violations
Tenants in Action is an app for tenants in LA to document and report issues they have with housing problems. They…
Paribus: scraping your data to find claims
Paribus is a tool that finds you ways to get reimbursed in part from companies you’ve bought products from. You give…
Heat Seek: documenting violations with sensors
Can we use technology to seek out problems that have legal dimensions, that people aren’t aware of? Heat Seek is a…
SquaredAway housing dispute resolution system
SquaredAway is a web-app that promotes healthy relations between landlords and tenants — helping resolve and prevent housing disputes. It does…
JustFix app for tenants to gather evidence, protect their rights
JustFix is an app that is built for NYC tenants to understand their housing rights, gather documentation that could be used…
Navigation maps for all legal services in a jurisdiction
This concept proposal is to create a single map and wayfinding system for all the different types of legal services, across…
Due Processr: evaluate eligibility for indigency status
The web-app Due Processr takes the user through an interactive questionnaire that helps the person to determine if they are eligible…
Legal screeners and intake for medical providers
Mobile apps aimed at non-legal service providers help them screen for legal problems for their clients. For example there is an…
Legal Health Checkup concept sketch
An increasingly popular concept for access innovations is the Legal Health Checkup, that would serve as an initial outreach to laypeople….
Legal Health Check-ups online screener, from CLEO in Ontario
There is a lot of interest in developing new, and new modes of, legal health checkups. There are some such checkups…
Mobile legal help apps
Mobile legal help apps are becoming increasingly common. In these apps, often developed as standalone applications for Android or iOS systems,…
Document assembly tools to automatically create forms
There are many HotDocs and A2J document assembly projects that have been funded by TIG that have replication potential. Listed below is a brief synopsis…
Online Intake systems
Online intake is an always-on service, that lets anyone with an internet connection enter their information and find what services they…
I-CAN! Legal – Get help filling out court forms
I-CAN! Legal is a software tool to help laypeople prepare court forms through a more interactive and user-friendly online questionnaire. I-CAN!…
Game-based simulation of courtÂ
Source: A team at Northeastern Law has been building a simulation game to help self-represented litigants prepare for their court appearance….
Secure video uploads to document rights violations
This concept is for an online service that would allow for secure uploads from places that are under surveillance or without…
THE BUOY PROJECT – Tech For Justice
The winner of the New Mexico Tech for Justice hackathon was THE BUOY PROJECT . Here is the description of the…
Legal Rapid Prototyping Core team
What if we had on-site teams that could quickly spot problems, create an intervention, test it, and improve on it —…
Street Law cartoon outreach
Could we make gripping cartoon outreach posters — with basic primers on key points of law and legal services, that apply…
Legal Advocate SMS
A mobile-first solution, that would let any lay person connect to basic legal knowledge and education through virtually free SMS back-and-forths….
“Human Law” drop-in problem-solving centers
What if there were physical locations in communities, in which people with life problems could drop in and get help? There…
Lawyer transparency with stats cards
If one of laypeople’s main concerns about using the legal system is the lack of transparency around hiring a lawyer (how…
Triage Diagnostic Tool to Assess Potential for Self-Representation in New Mexico
Source: New Mexico – Diagnostic Tool to Assess Potential for Self-Representation The New Mexico Access to Justice Commission used an ATJ…
Rechtwijzer guide through a legal process
Rechtwijzer is a Dutch platform to help laypeople through the start of a legal process — from problem to legal process….
Court Navigator Program to help people through court
NYC Housing Court – Resolution Assistance Program (RAP) offers the Court Navigator Program: The Court Navigator Program was launched in February…
Document Assembly Software for uncontested divorces
Source: Arkansas – Document Assembly Software The Arkansas Access to Justice Commission used an ATJ Innovation Grant to develop a pro…
Online user question-and-answers from pro bono attorneys
The Alabama Access to Justice Commission used an ABA Expansion Grant to implement the web-based pro bono program Online Tennessee Justice, which allows pro…
Referral Program & Lawyer Training to Serve Modest-means Clients
This project received an Innovation Grant through the ABA. Read more: Colorado – Serving Modest-means Clients The Colorado Access to Justice…
Client Control over Data, Portable Client Data
As the client goes to a 2 hour consultation, the lawyer takes notes straight into the client’s portable data point. It…
Pop-Up Legal Services zones
What if we provided coordinated legal-medical-mental health-housing-family-education support all in one big pop-up zone? Like a Food Truck park, with lots…
100% Justice Brigade
What if we had a new Legal Organization — the 100% Justice Brigade — that was all about using design skills…
Legal Aid Leader Incubator
This concept design was one of the 5 finalists from the Florida Legal Aid Summit. It was for a Micro-Leadership Incubator…
Pre-Court Preparation Session
When people are called into court — like a parent whose kids have ended up in the justice system, or like…
Mobile document checker
An app or SMS/MMS based tool to let a person get expert feedback on their legal document: Is this correct? What…
Could we make a software tool to quickly customize and verify the appropriateness of a contract?
Legal Diagnosis Tools
A small sketchnote of different ways we could get people’s legal issues sussed out: decision trees, telephone q-n-a, etc.
Coffee and Law
Could we welcome people in to have free coffee, free ice cream, even candy, and then get them directed to legal…
Law Kiosk
Could we have stations in libraries, hospitals, everywhere that would be easy to ask questions around possible legal problems and see…
Empathy Machines
What if we had more legal services that provided people in crisis with empathy? It might be in the form of…
Consigliere: every family has their lawyer
What if every person had a lawyer that was closely related to them, that was responsible for advising them and keeping…
Court House Hub
Could we build a smart system inside courthouses that provide Internet access, connections to printing/copying, and electrical power for all those…
Legal aid group purchasing platform
What if legal aid groups banded together, to make their office, software, services, and other purchases together? If they buy in…
Interactive Online Workshops for legal tasks
Could we take the workshops that self-help centers already run in person, and make online versions of them to get wider…
Cover Sheets to Forms
What if we made templated, user-tested Cover Sheets to all legal tasks (whether it’s filling out forms or going through a…
Small Claims online dispute resolution in British Columbia
Talking to Bonnie Hough of the California Judicial Council last week, she recommended checking out several great projects coming out of…
CourtVoice Feedback Line
Inspired by the civic technology project CityVoice, that lets any person call up to leave a voice message about a problem…
Court Feedback cards
What if people in the legal system had ways to give their feedback, so that the courts, lawyers, and other professionals…
Interactive Board of Resources
At courts, at community centers, at libraries, at cafes — can we have interactive boards full of resources and services that…
Can we improve how we deliver legal help via the Internet?
This week I have been finishing up my research paper on what user-centered standards for better online legal help sites would…
One-Page Self-Help worksheets
I have been sketching out some possible templates for what a good one-pager worksheet would be, to guide a lay person…
How can social service providers get people to legal help?
During my Spring 2015 class at Stanford School on Intro to Legal Design, we were lucky enough to have Sacha…
Google Legal Health Checkup, for privacy
A few weeks ago, when I logged into my browser, I got a notice from Google that they wanted to walk…
211 Portal – One call for your legal help
Could we build a single portal to all kinds of legal support, help, counsel? If it’s a simple, memorable number that’s…
All-in-one Client-Attorney Collaboration Platform
What would an all-in-one collaboration platform look like, for clients & lawyers to work together? If there could be one place…