Current Projects Procedural Guide

Rechtwijzer guide through a legal process

Access Innovation inventory - Rechwijzer - Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 4.01.04 PMRechtwijzer is a Dutch platform to help laypeople through the start of a legal process — from problem to legal process.

Probleem of conflict? Vul stap voor stap Rechtwijzer in. U krijgt advies over wat u in uw situatie kunt doen en wie u daarbij kunnen helpen.

It takes an ‘expert system’ approach to helping a person figure out what legal options they have open to them, by leading them through a series of questions and helping them get started on their legal process.

Access Innovation inventory - Rechwijzer - Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 4.01.34 PMAccess Innovation inventory - Rechwijzer - Screen Shot 2015-12-07 at 4.01.23 PM