The San Mateo County Law Library has a Lawyer in the Library Program. Once a month, the Redwood City-based library has a live lawyer present for 20 minute free consultations. You must sign up before hand.
The San Mateo County Law Library participates in the San Mateo County Public Library System’s ‘Lawyer in the Library’ Program. Every 4th Wednesday of the month between 6pm and 8pm, a lawyer is available in the Law Library for a free, one-on-one, 20 minute consultation with you on the legal issue covered that month. You must sign up by calling the Law Library at (650)363-4913.
For a listing of upcoming dates and topics, please see our home page.
The public libraries of Belmont (650.591.8286), Foster City (650.574.4892), Millbrae (650.697.7607), Redwood City (650.780.7058, press ‘0’), Pacifica Sharp Park (650.355.5196), and East Palo Alto (650.321.7712) also participate in this program. If you do not see your issue listed above in our offerings, you may wish to call these other libraries to see if they are offering a lawyer who can help you on your specific topic.
Also, Bay Area Legal Aid offers a Legal Advice Line for low-income Bay Area residents Monday and Thursday, 9:30am to 3pm and Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30am to 1pm. Please call (800) 551.5554.
In addition to the Lawyer consults, there are also occasional Clinics available at the library and surrounding service-providers.
The Law Library offers a free Consumer Law Clinic sponsored by Bay Area Legal Aid every Monday starting at 10AM. RSVP for your spot by calling (650) 358.0745. The clinic meets in the Law Library Conference room.
The San Mateo County Superior Court offers a Small Claims Advisor to assist with Small Claims every Wednesday starting at 3:30 in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of 400 County Center, Redwood City, California. Call (650) 363.4303 for more information.
The Family Law Facilitator’s Office offers a Filing for Divorce Workshop every Tuesday starting at 1:15pm in the Family Law Facilitator’s Office, 2nd floor, 400 County Center, Redwood City, California. Call (650) 363.4590 for more information.
Legal Aid Society offers a Landlord/Tenant Clinicevery Monday starting at 8:30am in the Family Law Facilitator’s Office, 2nd floor, 400 County Center, Redwood City, California.
Bay Area Legal Aid offers a Domestic Violence Restraining Order Clinic every Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting at 9am and Wednesday afternoons starting at 1:30pm at their office located at 1048 El Camino Real, Ste. A in Redwood City, California. Call (650) 358.0745 for more information.
The Child Custody Clinic meets every Tuesday 1:15pm to 3pm, Wednesday 9am to 11am, and Thursday (Spanish only) 1:15 to 3pm in the Family Law Facilitator’s Office, 2nd floor, 400 County Center, Redwood City, California. Call (866) 901.3121 for more information.