Advocates Current Projects

BillFixers: advocates who negotiate for you

BillFixers is a service that lets you have someone else deal with your bills, to figure out how to negotiate them down.

Our expert negotiators are ready to lower your bills up to 35%! Get started by signing up with BillFixers today!

You pay them half of what you can save, after they negotiate with the companies to save you money.

With our combined experience in negotiation, we decided to start a company where customers could save money without any of the hassle and with absolute security. We wanted to take money out of the pockets of giant corporations and pass it on to you without you having to put down your book or take time off work. You send us your bills, we get them lower, and we split the savings down the middle—no hidden fees, no hold music, and no hassle.

Current Projects Triage and Diagnosis

AirHelp: scan and claim for airline compensation

AirHelp scouts your flight details to see if you can make a claim for compensation. You can enter your flight details with airports and dates if your flight has been cancelled or overbooked. Then you can check your eligibility to see if you can apply for compensation.

Flight delayed? Canceled? Missed connection? You could receive up to €600 from the airline. Send AirHelp your flight details and get an answer in 3 minutes on compensation claims you could be owed!

The other option is to Email-Scan — in which you let the tool scan your emails for flight details and then make claims from there.

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Current Projects Work Product Tool

Tenants in Action: app to report housing violations

Tenants in Action is an app for tenants in LA to document and report issues they have with housing problems. They can use the app to note what problems they’re experiencing, match that to codes in the government-speak, and then register a complaint — all through the app.


Current Projects Triage and Diagnosis

Paribus: scraping your data to find claims

Paribus is a tool that finds you ways to get reimbursed in part from companies you’ve bought products from. You give them access to your emails where you get receipts, and then it looks for opportunities for you to get money back from that company when prices drop or there are other obligations for them to return money to you.

It’s shocking how often stores owe you money. Paribus gets you paid every time. Some have saved $500+ without lifting a finger. Trusted by 200,000+ members.

Even if this exact company is not necessarily about ‘access-to-justice’, its model can inspire other products that can scout legal issues and opportunities for people.

Could we build a screening tool, that has users get their personal data scanned (in the most data-privacy-respecting way possible) to spot legal issues or opportutnities.

Current Projects Triage and Diagnosis

Heat Seek: documenting violations with sensors

Can we use technology to seek out problems that have legal dimensions, that people aren’t aware of?

Heat Seek is a technology-based legal tool to help people see if heating code violations have occurred.

It uses sensor technology to watch whether and how homes are being heated in NYC, and identifying when violations happen. It can then track patterns of abuse and work with the landlords and the court system to get to a resolution.

Here is their information about their initial pilot.

Heat Seek helps tenants resolve their home heating issues by providing the objective, reliable temperature data they need to hold their landlords accountable. We do this by installing low cost, web connected temperature sensors in buildings across New York City. During the winter of 2016, Heat Seek ran a pilot program in 50 buildings throughout four boroughs. For this pilot program, we sought out buildings with the following criteria: (1) an organized tenant association, (2) at a high risk for continued landlord abuse, as identified by our partners, and (3) stated willingness to bring a group case to housing court.

By the numbers:

56 buildings received sensors
73 individual apartments served
16 community partners, including attorneys, community organizations, and tenant groups, as well as the NYC Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) the city agency responsible for enforcing the housing code.


While we are still analyzing the results of the winter 2015-2016 Pilot, a few initial trends have emerged:

Heat Seek data help clients achieve more favorable legal outcomes.
In three separate cases that spanned different attorneys and at least eight buildings, landlords made more concessions to their tenants and our clients.

“[Heatseek] data are much more digestible than manual heat logs, especially for judges.” Attorney, Legal Services NYC

“With Heat Seek, I was able to submit proof of the lack of heat in my client’s apartment. Upon seeing the evidence, the landlord and his attorney conceded the issue and the landlord agreed to waive all rent claims and provide a rent-stabilized lease.” Edmund Witter, Attorney at Legal Aid Society

Landlords restore or increase heat provision when they know Heat Seek sensors have been deployed in their buildings.
In four buildings, tenants shared Heat Seek data directly with their landlords, who shortly thereafter turned up the heat. These increases in heat are reflected in our data.

Current Projects Dispute Resolution

SquaredAway housing dispute resolution system

SquaredAway is a web-app that promotes healthy relations between landlords and tenants — helping resolve and prevent housing disputes.

It does so by providing a communications platform for landlords and tenants, as well as wikis, checklists, and other guides.

It lets Chicago tenants and landlords keep track of what issues there are with a given house, and to manage disputes about them.


Current Projects Work Product Tool

JustFix app for tenants to gather evidence, protect their rights

JustFix is an app that is built for NYC tenants to understand their housing rights, gather documentation that could be used to support their legal claims, and to share their case file with advocates. adds another tactic to the fight for housing justice by partnering with grassroots organizations to create better support systems for New York City’s excluded communities.

The tool is built primarily for tenants to collect evidence, take action, and share their information with their advocate. It lets them collaborate more easily with lawyers.

It also allows for Community Organizers to gather patterns and data, to do their job more effectively.

Ideabook Wayfinding and Space Design

Navigation maps for all legal services in a jurisdiction


This concept proposal is to create a single map and wayfinding system for all the different types of legal services, across all kinds of different providers, in a jurisdiction. It can be a geographic map, as well as organizational and process map.

It would lay out where a person could go find help, and direct them to these different stops in a coherent and standard way.

It would have similar markers (like an i for Information, or a legal image) everywhere that a person could find legal help in a geographic area.

This concept comes from our class on Prototyping Access in Spring 2016.

Current Projects Triage and Diagnosis

Due Processr: evaluate eligibility for indigency status

The web-app Due Processr takes the user through an interactive questionnaire that helps the person to determine if they are eligible for the qualification of ‘Indigency’ in Massachusetts.

The app breaks apart the eligibility factors into distinct questions, and in one page of responses the user will get their answer about whether they qualify.

Access Innovation - eligibility screener - Due Processr Indigency - Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 10.19.05 AM Access Innovation - eligibility screener - Due Processr Indigency - Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 10.19.27 AM Access Innovation - eligibility screener - Due Processr Indigency - Screen Shot 2016-07-18 at 10.19.35 AM

Current Projects Triage and Diagnosis

Legal screeners and intake for medical providers

Mobile apps aimed at non-legal service providers help them screen for legal problems for their clients.

For example there is an app specifically designed for use in medical-legal partnerships, in which users have come to a medical facility to deal with a medical problem.

The app can be used by a service provider at the clinic or hospital to screen the patient for legal issues that might be going on, and perhaps related to the health issues.

This type of software is beneficial because it provides expert knowledge and an easy-to-use fashion and it can streamline the screening process especially for those who are not experts in law.

Example of such a mobile app screener: from the Legal Aid Society of Louisville,

Legal Aid Society of Louisville (LAS) leveraged mobile technologies to develop a legal assessment tool for medical/legal partnerships that effectively screens low‐income patients for legal problems and alerts medical professionals of the need to refer patients to a legal partner for timely assistance. The “Law and Health Screening Tool” consists of an iPad application and a companion web-based survey system. It has been successfully piloted at the University of Louisville Pediatrics Children and Youth Clinic, a high-traffic urban clinic with a high poverty, diverse patient population.

Access Innovation - medical legal screener alert screen

The tool has four main functions:

  1. A “law and health survey,” which parents/guardians of patients complete using a tablet. This is a quick legal screen meant to be easily completed by parents while waiting to be seen at the clinic. The survey uses question branching, so that the response to one question determines the next question posed.
  2. An “alert” function, which electronically notifies MLP staff when a survey response indicates a possible health-related legal need. MLP staff may then retrieve contact information from the administrative website for follow-up.
  3. A “resource” function, whereby a “yes” response to certain questions triggers an offer of a relevant resource, such as information about utility assistance, foreclosure prevention services or free tax-preparation assistance and the earned income tax credit.
  4. A data collection and reporting function, which aggregates survey answers for reporting and monitoring purposes. These metrics provide insight into the legal needs of the clinic’s patient population and how MLP resources might be tailored to address them effectively.

The final report from LSC-TIG is here: TIG 11094: LAS Medical Legal Partnership App